Callie Williams Hearne


Arlington, Texas

Made Up Minds817-360-7653 |

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Travel Distance: No travel restrictions

Industry: Coaching / Consulting, Education, Faith-based, Government

Specialty | Focus: Culturally Diverse School Districts (Administrative teams, School Boards, Staff, Parents, Students), Corporate Teams, Athletic Coaches, Young Adults and Women in transition, Married Couples

Professional: Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Education, Master of Arts in Counseling Education.

Certifications: CoreClarity Facilitator, Capp Institute Personal Development Coach, Biblical Counseling, Mid-Management.

Experience: 39 years in public education as a teacher, counselor, campus administrator, and Central Office Administrator (Director of Counseling, Coordinator of Human Resources, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources); 6 years as an Educational Consultant and Personal Development Coach. Volunteer Experience: Served on Boards of the United Way of Odessa, Odessa Family YMCA, Odessa Regional Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Odessa College Health Advisory Board, Co-chaired Project blueprint Committee of the United Way of Odessa, past member of Leadership HEB; Biblical Counseling Ministry at Gateway Church, Southlake, TX.

Why I Love What I Do: My life mission is to work with people who want to maximize their talents, so they may live and work with purpose while building a long-lasting legacy. The CoreClarity process allows me to live my mission daily and provide the clarity that so many are seeking.

Up Close & Personal: Callie is passionate about Nature and loves her time on the beach and nature walks. She also enjoys family gatherings, music, and attending live theater and musicals.

CertifiedBekah Selking