Bill Guertin


Bourbonnais, Illinois

Stadium Gorilla | 815-932-5878 |

“Ask and you get, don't and you won't.” - Dave Gifford, my friend and mentor in the sales field for over 30 years.

Travel Distance: North America, Mexico

Industry: Sales

Specialty | Focus: Sales Teams

Professional: 25+ years in small market broadcast media sales; started my own speaking/training company, The 800-Pound Gorilla, in 2004. 80% of my work is sales training for the ticket sales departments of professional sports teams. I've worked with over 75 individual teams from all the major leagues in North America. Author of two books on sales/marketing, and an enthusiastic Certified CoreClarity Facilitator for businesses at large.

Why I Love What I Do: It's a brilliant, insightful program that allows individuals and teams to see themselves and each other at their best -- and what to do once they know it.

Up Close & Personal: Family man, writer, musician, fisherman, golfer, man of faith. I've lost a move or two on the basketball court, but still enjoy playing.

CertifiedRyan Selking