Brenda Brown


Johnson city, tn

  828-606-4574 |

“The seeds of your calling are always embedded in the needs of other people, so, if you want to discover your calling expose yourself to the needs of other people.” - Bruce Wilkinson

Travel Distance: Any

Industry: Athletics, Faith-based, Coaching & Consulting, Education, Corporate, Non-profit

Specialty | Focus:  Team/Organization Building, Leadership Coaching, Relationships

Professional:  My 23 years of experience as an athlete and coach within all levels of NCAA Division I women’s basketball contribute to a consulting philosophy based on identifying, recruiting, and leveraging talent to an organization’s fullest potential. I enjoy skillfully assembling and directing teams to create and understand a clear mission, communicate effectively within the organization, and mobilize together towards desired outcomes.

I have extensive experience in coaching individuals in one-on-one settings and inherently desire to bring joy and encouragement to the process every day.

Both my B.A. in Sociology and History (2000) and an M.A.Ed. (2001) are from Wake Forest University. I am currently the head women’s basketball at East Tennessee State University and have coaching stops at Georgia Tech, Jacksonville University, UNC Charlotte, University of Florida and UNC Asheville. I completed a graduate certificate in Biblical Studies from Liberty University in 2021 and became a Certified CoreClarity Facilitator in May 2022.

Why I Love What I Do:  I have a passion for helping individuals create fruitful, authentic, and healthy approaches to leadership and life. I experienced the CoreClarity Personal Discovery and Team Dynamics workshops when I was a head coach at UNC Asheville, and it drastically changed my approach to coaching and positively contributed to the culture of our team.

Up Close & Personal:   Hailing from the mountains of western North Carolina, I love reading, exercising, and having thoughtful conversations about life and theology. My husband Jeremy is amazing which makes spending time with him my number one priority!

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